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Writer's pictureCaroline Higgins

My Mind is Exploding

My brother just sent me a text with a YouTube video link, and it is blowing my mind!

Fun fact about me: I love science and I especially love DNA. I'm not that great at remembering proteins and RNA steps (just ask my Cellular Biology professor) but I have a greater than high school level understanding and appreciation for Deoxyribonucleic Acid (which spell check apparently doesn't know...). This love for DNA is shared with my older by 2.5 years brother. Anyways here's the video:

If just by looking at the title of that video your eyes don't get huge and your jaw drop then you need to watch it. Actually, watch it anyways! It's so exciting and neat that my heart kinda skipped a beat when he sent it to me. The implications of this research is profound! They do mention that, at this time, this synthetic DNA cannot live outside of the lab, so don't worry about crazy super human-mutants. I can imagine how all of the biology instructors out there are absorbing this new information, I wonder how many students will learn about this in class tomorrow?



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